Wednesday, May 5, 2010


1. Impinge (im PINJ) – interfere with
a. The babies impinge with the basketball game because he had run across court; therefore, the game had to come to a stop till the babies got off the court.
2. Lament (luh MENT) – express grief for
a. Michael Jacksons’ fans were lamenting his death.
3. Melancholy (MEL un kaw lee) – sadness; depression
a. The soccer team fell into a state of melancholy after they lost their first playoff game.
4. Sanction (SANK shun) – an economic or military measure put in place to punish another country
a. The United States imposed military sanctions of Iraq.
5. Truncated (TRUN kay tid) – shortened; cut off
a. Rykeem’s orange was truncated; a big piece was missing.
6. Aesthetic (es THET ik) – having to do with the appreciation of beauty
a. The color scheme on the painting was an aesthetic combination.
7. Anthology (an THAH luh jee) – a collection of literary pieces
a. When I was younger, I had an anthology of all Clifford books.
8. Contemporary (kun TEM po rer ee) – current, modern; from the same time
a. By adding stainless steal appliances makes your living space more contemporary.
9. Dilettante (dih luh TAHNT) – a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge
a. The dilettante construct a house based on a model house made up of Legos.
10. Eclectic (uh KLEK tik) – made up of a variety of sources or styles
a. Usher style is very eclectic; he uses different styles of clothing to make up his own style.
11. Excerpt (EK serpt) – a selected part of a passage or scene
a. Susan makes us write about an excerpt in the novels we read and instructs us to dig deeper.
12. Genre (ZHAHN ruh) – describing a category or artistic endeavor
a. He never listens to any other genre, other than rap.
13. Medley (MED lee) – an assortment or mixture, especially of musical pieces
a. When Dave plays the piano, he produces a soothing medley that put me to sleep.
14. Mural (MYUR ul) – a large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling surface
a. When they painted the mural in the gym, I thought it could have been bettered painted and outlined.
15. Narrative (NAR uh tiv) – characterized by the telling of a story; a story
a. The narrative gave us a better understanding about the Navajo culture.
16. Parody (PAR uh dee) – an artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect
a. Dave Chappelle makes parodies of different videos; he reproduces certain videos and adds humor to them.
17. Realism (REE uh liz um) – artistic representation that aims for visual accuracy
a. When people paint pictures, they try to illustrate realism to make people feel as if they are there in real life.
18. Virtuoso (ver choo OH so) – a tremendously skilled artist
a. Many people say that Usher is a virtuoso singer because of how young he hit the music industry.
19. Decorous (DEK er us) – proper; marked by good taste
a. The referee was thankful the players played decorous basketball.
20. Equanimity ( ek wuh NIM uh tee) – the quality of being calm; composure
a. The statistic class showed great equanimity, when they realized the AP Statistic test was just a week away.
21. Modest (MAH dist) - quiet or humble in manner or appearance
a. The neighborhood that we moved into is very modest because a bunch of old people live there.
22. Propriety ( pruh PRY uh tee) – appropriateness of behavior
a. He realized the seventh grades had no sense of propriety, when they all fell asleep while the speaker was talking.
23. Prudent (PROO dunt) – exercising good judgment or common sense
a. He acted out of prudent, when they asked him whether or not he was going to study or out.
24. Serene (suh REEN) – calm
a. The serene ocean brought me comfort; it was very calm.
25. Staid (STAYD) – unemotional; serious
a. I became very staid, when they told me I was not going to be able to graduate if I missed a day.
26. Stoic (STOW ik) – can endure pain or hardship, without showing emotion
a. Hazel was stoic in accepting his punishment. He did not show any emotion.
27. Condemn (kun DEM) – to express strong disapproval of
a. My father condemned the idea of me getting a tattoo. He did not approve with the idea of me marking my body.
28. Discredit (dis CRED it) – to cause to be doubted
a. Many creationist discredit Darwinism.
29. Disparage (dis PAR uj) – to represent as being of little worth
a. Apple disparaged the MP3 player. They showed the MP3 player as being of little worth, after coming out with the Ipod.
30. Pejorative (puh JOR uh tiv) – describing words or phases that belittle someone
a. Older students should not use such pejorative words stupid or shut up when talking to younger students.
31. Plagiarism (PLAY juh riz um) – the act of passing off the ideas or writing of another as your own
a. On my last essay I was accused of plagiarism, because I copied and pasted an article off the New York Times and try to pass it off as my own.
32. Vilify (VIL uh fye) – to make vicious statements about
a. When running for election, presidents vilify their opponent to make others hate the other candidate.
33. Brusque (BRUSK) – rudely abrupt
a. DH is a very brusque person; he never lets anybody finish talking. He is always cutting people off.
34. Caustic (KAW stik) – bitingly sarcastic or witty
a. He caustic comments about his teacher.
35. Fractious (FRAK shus) – quarrelsome; unruly
a. The senior class is known to be a fractious group that doesn’t listen to anybody.
36. Incorrigible (in KOR ij uh bul) – unable to reform
a. The house was incorrigible. No matter how many times they tried to fix it, it kept failing down.
37. Ingrate (IN grayt) – an ungrateful person
a. The ingrate never gave thanks to his parents for providing him with a roof over his head. He always asked for more, he was never satisfied with what they gave him.
38. Insolent (IN suh lunt) – insulting in manner or speech
a. It was very insolent of him to fall a sleep while David Heinzerling lectured.
39. Notorious (no TOR ee us) – infamous
a. Biggie Smalls is known for his notorious acts across New York.
40. Pugnacious (pug NAY shus) – combative; belligerent
a. The pugnacious child always wanted to fight people.
41. Reprehensible (rep ree HEN si bul) – worthy of blame
a. He was reprehensible for the broken window in the dorm.
42. Brittle (BRIT ul) – easily broken when subjected to pressure
a. The bread was very brittle, every time I picked it up it broke.
43. Deleterious (del uh TEER ee us) – having a harmful effect
a. War is known to have a deleterious effect on soldiers.
44. Enmity (EN muh tee) – mutual hatred
a. There was great enmity between the two basketball teams; they were rivals.
45. Heinous (HAY nus) – hatefully evil; a wrongful act
a. Putting mud in all the seventh graders shoes was a heinous but funny act.
46. Malfeasance (mal FEEZ uns) – wrongdoing; misconduct
a. The student was accused of malfeasance, after he was caught cheating.
47. Malice (MAL is) – extreme ill-will or spite
a. With such malice towards the upper school student, he burned all their bed sheets.
48. Putrid (PYOO trid) – rotten
a. The putrid apple filled the air in the classroom with such a nasty smell.
49. Rancorous (RANK er us) – hateful; marked by deep-seated ill-will
a. The rancorous old man, always cursed out the middle school students when they walked on his property on the way to school.
50. Toxic (TaKH sik) – poisonous
a. The atmosphere contains many toxics that life threatening to humans.
51. Archaic ( ar KAY ik) – old fashioned
a. The archaic typewriter was put on display to show students how they use to type back in the old days.
52. Hackneyed (HACK need) – worn out through overuse
a. I had a pair of hackneyed jeans that I wore when during outside work around the house.
53. Medieval (med EE vul) – referring to the middle ages
a. For class, we are learning about the medieval period.
54. Obsolete (ahb suh LEET) – no longer in use
a. Tape player became obsolete after companies began producing CDs.
55. Austere (aw STEER) – without decoration; strict
a. The dull walls and old wooden floors provided the house with an austere look.
56. Mediocrity (mee dee AH krit ee) – the state of being average
a. The work that the seniors produce was mediocre according to DH. The presentations were average nothing was over the top.
57. Mundane (mun DAYN) – commonplace; ordinary
a. I hate going to the wave pool after school because it is so mundane; it just an ordinary place that we go to every year.
58. Ponderous (PAHN duh rus) – extremely dull
a. Palace Walk is not a ponderous novel, something interesting is always happening throughout the novel.
59. Prosaic (pro ZAY ik) – unimaginative; dull
a. His drawing was prosaic. There wasn’t any imaginative or creative about it.
60. Sedentary (SHE dun tair ee) – settled; inactive
a. Here at Chinquapin students aren’t sedentary, they are always moving around from place to place. They are never seated in the spot for more than two hours.
61. Apprehension (ap reh HEN shun) – anxiety or fear about the future
a. I felt apprehension about the upcoming AP exam, so I decided to start studying now.
62. Harbinger (HAR bin jer) – something that indicates what is to come
a. A cloudy dark sky is a harbinger of rain. Whenever the sky gets dark and cloudy, it is more than likely to rain.
63. Ominous (AH min us) – threatening
a. Every time somebody is about to get killed in horror movies, they play ominous music.
64. Premonition (prem uh NISH un) – feeling about the future
a. I had a premonition that I was going to fall off the stage at graduation.
65. Timorous (TIM uh rus) – timid; fearful about the future
a. I was timorous; I was afraid that one day I’d fall and break my leg.
66. Trepidation (trep uh DAY shun) – uncertainly; apprehension
a. We approach Ray with trepidation because we weren’t sure whether or not he was going to agree to let us leave campus.
67. Innovative (IN no vay tiv) - introducing something new
a. Ben Stein gave an innovative speech about Darwinism. He described it in a way that nobody has ever described Darwinism.
68. Naïve (nah YEEV) – lacking experience
a. The naïve basketball player thought he knew everything about the game he need to know, but in reality he still lacked experience.
69. Nascent (NAY sunt) – coming into existence
a. My life changed when the nascent newborn came into my life, because they more attention to the baby.
70. Novel (NAH vul) – strikingly new or unusual
a. My novel take on how to beat a trapped in basketball, impressed my coach so much he began teaching to everybody.

2nd set of AP VOCABULARY

1. Hypocrisy - The practice of pretending to be something one is not; insincerity
a. The preacher was accused of hypocrisy, when he was found doing something he preached against.
2. Slander – False spoken statements about someone that ruins their reputation.
a. Kanye West was seen as a rude person after he slandered Taylor Swift music video, at the music awards.
3. Spurious - Not genuine or fake
a. Spurious rumors went around campus that Rykeem was a girl.
4. Astute - Shrewd; clever
a. The teacher was astute to figure out the motive for the thief.
5. Clandestine – Secretive
a. Her husband arranged clandestine meetings with the jeweler to buy her an engagement ring.
6. Coup - A brilliantly executed plan
a. Our lasted second play to win the state championship was quite a coup.
7. Disingenuous - Not straightforward; crafty
a. Ray was quite disingenuous when he was asking the seniors how the day went; he was really trying to figure out what happened when we all argued with Ryan.
8. Ruse - A crafty trick
a. When the school offered free lunch Saturday it was a ruse to get students to clean up the campus.
9. Stratagem - A clever trick used to deceive or outwit
a. General Roc stratagem was ineffective, because one of his soldiers leak out is clever trick to attack general Pie.
10. Surreptitiously - Done by secretive means
a. In order to become apart of the secret service Jack had to try out surreptitiously.
11. Wary - On guard
a. Jack becomes wary when his daughter invites her boyfriend to the house.
12. Wily - Cunning
a. Every year the cunning seventh graders come up with new ways to give their dorm captains headache.
13. Ambiguous - Open to more than one interpretation
a. His facial expression was very ambiguous, nobody knew whether he mad or happy.
14. Ambivalent - Simultaneously having opposing feelings; uncertain
a. After going to court for a half a year, Reggie became ambivalent. He didn’t know whether he was going to be convicted or not.
15. Apathetic - Feeling or showing little emotion or showing little concern
a. Apathetic slackers, who don’t do their work, will not be promoted to the 12th grade.
16. Arbitrary - Determined by impulse or personal choice rather than reason
a. My mother made the arbitrary decision not to let me go to Africa.
17. Capricious - Impulsive and unpredictable
a. Whether my cousin came to Christmas was capricious, sometimes he’ll show and sometimes he is a no show.
18. Equivocate - to avoid making a definite statement
a. Whenever I ask my mom whether I could go out, she equivocates by saying, “Maybe”.
19. Indifferent - not caring one way or the other
a. Ray was indifferent about the matter; he didn’t care whether we order chicken or popcorn chicken.
20. Spontaneous - Unplanned; naturally occurring
a. Whenever Mauricio goes to talk to girls, his lines are spontaneous. He never plans what he is going to say.
21. Whimsical - Subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable
a. Joshi’s behavior was whimsical, teachers never knew whether he was going to go to class and pay attention or play around. His actions were unpredictable.
22. Inconsequential – Unimportant
a. Whether he went to jail was inconsequential to John because he knew his father had enough money to bail him out.
23. Superficial - Concerned only with what is on the surface or obvious; shallow
a. My mother is very superficial, she only cares about the things she can see.
24. Tenuous - Having little substance or strength; shaky; unsure, weak
a. After playing five games in a row, my father was tenuous. He was unable to support himself when he stood.
25. Trivial - Of little importance or significance
a. Whether or not he made the last second shot was trivial because they were already wining by 50.
26. Assiduous - Hard-working
a. Johnathan is assiduous student; he is always working and helping others out.
27. Compelling - Forceful; urgently demanding attention
a. My mother’s facial expression was very compelling. She demanded me to go to bed.
28. Diligent - Marked by painstaking effort; hard working
a. Due to their diligent effort, they were able to paint the entire gym in less than a week.
29. Dogged - Stubbornly persevering
a. His dogged efforts allowed him to master the game of golf. He failed many times, but kept trying till he was able to come out on top.
30. Endure - To put up with; to survive a hardship
a. It was difficult to endure with the pain of the lost of his grandmother. It was hard for him to put his feelings aside.
31. Intrepid - Courageous; fearless
a. The intrepid point guard always attacked the rim no matter how tall the centers were. He was not scared to go up with people twice his height.
32. Maverick - One who is independent and resists adherence to a group
a. According to the teachers, Jack was a maverick; he secluded himself from group project and did everything his way.
33. Obdurate - Stubborn; inflexible
a. I tried to persuade the teacher to take me out to eat, but he was obdurate. I was unable to convince him.
34. Obstinate - Stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action
a. I begged my mom for three weeks to let me go to California, but she was obstinate to her disapproval. No matter what I did, her answer was no.
35. Proliferate - To grow or increase rapidly
a. Since Tallow trees have proliferated across the United States, scientists have been trying to develop chemicals to kill off the tree in the U.S.
36. Tenacity – Persistence
a. Due to his tenacity, he was able to play ball with the Rockets. He called the Rocket’s manager everyday for a two months, to get the chance to play with them.
37. Vitality - Energy; power to survive
a. When I woke up Saturday morning, I didn’t have the vitality to go to SAT class because I had stayed up the night before.
38. Assimilation - To absorb; to make similar
a. The assimilation of golf and Frisbee, created a new sport called Frisbee gold.
39. Consensus - General agreement
a. After debating whether or not I should buy blue or red shoes, I came to a consensus with my mom to buy white shoes because they matched with everything.
40. Context - Circumstances of a situation
a. According to the context of his statement, Doug was expecting a child in March.
41. Derived - Copied or adopted from a source
a. My synthesis essay derived from the novel, Palace Walk.
42. Incumbent - Imposed as a duty; obligatory
a. It was incumbent upon me that all the students pass the task, since I was the teacher.
43. Inevitable - Certain to happen, unavoidable
a. Whether it rained to was going Saturday was inevitable, the forecast said it was an 100% chance of rain.
44. Malleable - Easily shaped or formed; easily influenced
a. Clay is malleable; you can easily shape it or form it to the way you want.
45. Subdue - To restrain; to hold back
a. After the teacher yelled at the class, the student subdued to arguing back.
46. Acquired - Developed or learned; not naturally occurring
a. After going to college, he acquired the ability to build cars.
47. Conception - The ability to form or understand an idea
a. It’s a common conception that homosexuals are born in their condition, but there is no correlation between genes and orientation
48. Conviction - A fixed or strong belief
a. His conviction about the world was unable to be turned. No matter what people told him he was inflexible.
49. Dogmatic - Stubbornly adhering to unproved beliefs
a. The lawyer was dogmatic in court by laying down evidence that help him in court.
50. Enlightening - Informative; contributing to one's awareness
a. The videos about drugs enlighten the students how bad drugs really were.
51. Impression - A feeling or understanding resulting from an experience
a. Often times when someone lies to me, they leave a bad impression.
52. Intuition - The power of knowing things without thinking; sharp insight
a. Due to his intuition, he was able to take his money out stock. He has a sharp insight.
53. Misconception - An incorrect understanding or interpretation
a. It’s a common misconception that white are superior to minorities in intellect, because as we’ve seen, minorities do hold high intellectual capacity
54. Perception - Awareness; insight
a. The teacher’s perception of students, allowed him to catch the student cheating.
55. Perspective - Point of view
a. After people get to know me, their perspective of me changes.
56. Profound - Having great depth or seriousness
a. Javi’s profound statement about was very meaningful. He went into great depth on the situation of why men act the way they do.
57. Inherent - Inborn; built-in
a. It’s funny that there are people who believe that Latino people have an inherent ability to play soccer.
58. Innate - Possessed from birth, inborn
a. Humans have an innate ability to hear.
59. Inveterate - Long established; deep-rooted; habitual
a. For many years now, Rykeem has been know as a inveterate scholar.
60. Omnipotent - All-powerful
a. Hitler was very omnipotent back in the day when he was alive.
61. Proximity – Closeness
a. It is dangerous to ride on the highway in close proximity to other cars, so be sure to stay in your lane.
62. Elusive - Difficult to capture, as in something actually fleeting
a. I hate hunting rabbits due to the fact that they are elusive creatures. They are very hard to capture, because of their quickness.
63. Emigrate - To leave one country or region and settle in another
a. Every year thousands of people emigrate to the United States.
64. Transient - Passing away with time; passing from one place to another
a. Rock stars live a very transient life; they are always on the go from one place to another.
65. Transitory - Short-lived or temporary
a. Her memories were only transitory, as soon as the week went by everybody forgot about her.
66. Affable - Easy-going; friendly
a. Lauren is far from being affable; she is no way near to be consider friendly.
67. Amenable - Responsive; agreeable
a. The school was amenable to Ray’s decision to be let out of school early every Monday.
68. Camaraderie - Good will between friends
a. Among the 2010 class there is great camaraderie, everybody is cool with one another.
69. Cordial - Friendly; sincere
a. When I enter Chinquapin, I received a cordial welcome from Morris. From that point on I could tell it was going to be a good experience.
70. Facetious - Playfully humorous
a. Due to his facetious behavior, nobody can ever tell when he is being serious; he is always joking around.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

1st Part of Vocabulary

1. Assertion(uh SUR shun) – A declaration or statement
* We could believe Rykeem's assertion that school was canceled Friday and Monday.
2. Clarity(KLAR uh tee) – Clearness in thought or expression
* Ashley Brian spoke with such clarity and enthusiasm, my grandma understood him even though she has trouble with english.
3. Cogent(KO jent) – Convincing; Reasonable
* The layer's argument was so cogent that her defending lawyer back out the trial.
4. Coherent(ko HEER ent) – Logically Connected
* Susan told me my essay wasn't coherent; she said I never connect my point and that they had nothing to do with each other.
5. Cohesive(ko HEE siv) – condition of sticking together
* After correcting my essay, Susan commented that it was cohesive because all my point related to each other and flowed into each other.
6. Didactic(dy DAK tik) – Intend to instruct
* Jordan's' how to shoot tapes are didactic because they instruct people how to correctly shot the basketball.
7. Discourse(DIS kors) – verbal expression or exchange; conversation
* Our discourse while in P.E is mainly on basketball; they are always talking about last night's game.
8. Eloquence(EH lo kwens) – the ability to speak vividly
* Ashley Brian eloquence is know at The Chinquapin School; his speeches are so vivid that you can picture exactly what he talking about.
9. Emphasize(EM fuh size) – to give special attention to something, to stress
* During stats class, my teacher emphasize the importance of remembering equations.
10. Fluid(FLOO id) – easily flowing
*When speaking in spanish my speech is not fluid; I always stutter and I can hardly pronounce the words in spanish correctly.

11. Implication(im pli KAY shun) – the act of suggesting or hinting
* When my teacher says, “this is College Preparatory!” the implication is that his class is going to be harder than regular public school classes.
12. Lucid(LOO sid) – Easily understood; clear
* My AP Stats teacher provides a lucid explanation of difficult equations.
13. Rhetoric(RET uh rik) – the art of using language effectively and persuasively
* When politicians always make rhetoric speeches; they are always trying to persuade the public to agreeing with them.
14. Arbiter(AHR bih ter) – a judge who decides a disputed issue
* During the murder case, the arbiter gave the defendant 40 years in prison.
15. Biased(BYE ist) – Prejudiced; favoring one side
* When taking surveys it is important not to biased to one side to collect develop a accurate summary.
16. Exculpate(EKS kul payt) – to free from guilt or blame
* OJ was exculpated for the murder of his wife.
17. Impartial(im PAR shul) – not in favor of one side or the other; unbiased
* The referee had a hard time remaining impartial; he was an alumnus of the school he was refereeing, and this made it difficult for him to call the game fair.
18. Incontrovertible(in kon truh VERT uh bul) – not able to deny or disputed
* The replay of the player traveling provided incontrovertible evidence against the player. He obviously pick the up and took four steps before doing his lay-up.
19. Integrity(in TEG rit ee) – trustworthiness; completeness
* The integrity of the student was questioned after he told two different teachers two different stories.
20. Objectivity(ahb jek TIV ih tee) – treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices
* It is important that police hear all statement with objectivity, so that their personal feelings do not affect their decision on who to arrest.
21. Penitent(PEN ih tunt) – Expressing remorse for one's misdeeds
* By returning what the theft had stole plus extra indicated that he was truly penitent.
22. Plausible(PLAWZ ih bul) – seemingly valid or acceptable; credible
* When writing a research paper it is important that you use plausible information.
23. Substantiated(sub STAN shee ay tid) – support with proof or evidence; verified
* The video tape substantiated the accuser statement that his did not steal the old lady's purse.
24. Vindicated(VIN duh kayt id) – freed from blame
* Josh was vindicated for plagiarism after his teacher found his work cited.
25. Condescending(Kon de SEND ing) – treating people as weak or inferior
* When he showed up to the game, he had condescending attitude because he thought he was better than everyone else.
26. Contemptuous(kun TEMP choo us) – feeling hatred; scornful
* He was contemptuous to the majority of the school's race that he yelled racial slurs every time somebody passed him.
27. Despotic(des PAHT ik) – exercising absolute power; tyrannical
* Adolf Hitler was such a despotic ruler.
28. Dictatorial(dik tuh TOR ee ul) – domineering(assert one's will over another in an arrogant way); oppressively overbearing
* Drill sergeants have a dictatorial manner toward their students and expect them to do whatever he wants.
29. Disdain(dis DAYN) – scorn(n) or to look down upon (v)
* Adolf Hitler disdained everybody. He look down on everybody because nobody was in greater power.
30. Haughty(HAW tee) – arrogant; vainly proud
* He is very haughty when it comes to basketball. He thinks he is better than everybody in the world.
31. Imperious(im PEER ee us) – Arrogantly domineering or overbearing
* She is a very imperious person just because her dad is a millionaire. She thinks everybody is beneath her.
32. Patronizing(PAY truh ny zing) – treating in a condescending manner; acting in a superior way
* Teachers are very patronizing toward senior student. They are always treating them as kids.
33. Convoluted(Kon vuh LOO tid) – intricate(very complicated); complex
* With all the equations and elements, chemistry is a convoluted subject.
34. Cryptic(KRIP tik) – difficult to comprehend
* Balancing chemical equations are cryptic to seventh grade students.
35. Futile(FEW tul) – having no useful purpose; pointless
* According to Rykeem it is futile to try to guard him, because no matter what you do he can blow right pass you.
36. Impede(im PEED) – to slow the progress of
* The construction works impeded the flow of traffic by closing down two out of three lanes.
37. Obscure(ub SKYUR) – relatively unknown (adj.), to conceal or make indistinct (v.)
* The picture was obscured because the camera was out of focus.
38. Quandary(KWAHN dree) – a state of uncertainty or perplexity (inability to deal with or understand)
* The book, The Prophet, left most people in a quandary. His philosophy was very difficult to understand.
39. Indolent(IN duh lunt) – lazy
* Many of the Chinquapin teachers say the senior are indolent, because they stop doing their homework during the fourth quarter.
40. Insipid(in SIP id) – uninteresting; unchallenging
* The insipid book put everybody to sleep.
41. Listless(LIST luss) – lacking energy
* The listless team dragged themselves across the soccer field.
42. Torpor(TOR per) - Laziness; inactivity; dullness
* The rainy day filled everyone with torpor. They all laid around all day sleeping and moping around.
43. Alienated(AY lee en ay tid) – removed or disassociated from friends, family, or homeland.
* Frank was alienated from his friend, after his family forced him to go across town to a boarding picture.
44. Alliance(uh LY uhns) – a union of two or more groups
* The middle school formed an alliance to defeat the senior in a game of dodge-ball.
45. Disparity(dis PAR uh tee) – inequality in age, rank, or degree; difference
* There is disparity between a two year-old and a forty-five year-old.
46. Servile(SER vile) – submission; like a servant
* All the freshman were servile to all juniors. They did whatever the juniors wanted.
47. Suppressed(suh PREST) – subdued(quiet or depressed); kept from being circulated
* She suppressed the fact that she was pregnant, because she feared she was going to kicked out.
48. Embellish(em BELL ish) – to make beautiful by ornamenting; to decorate
* At her Quinceanera the hall was embellished with many balloons and flowers.
49. Florid(FLOR id) – describing flowery or elaborate speech
* His speech is very florid. When he talks every elaborates everything he says.
50. Opulent(AHP yuh lunt) – exhibiting a display of great wealth
* His jewelry display is very opulent. He has the finest stones in all his rings and the finest metal in the world.
51. Ornate(or NAYT) – elaborately decorated
* The ornate chair had all kinds of patterns and designs.
52. Ostentatious(ah sten TAY shus) – describing a showy display
* The juggler put on a very ostentatious display.
53. Poignant(POYN yunt) – profoundly moving; touching
* The Notebook was a very poignant movie, it touched many lovers.
54. Ebullience(ih BOOL yuns) – intense enthusiasm
* The crowd was very ebullience after Coldplay came out. They all went crazy.
55. Effusive( eh FYOO siv) – emotionally unrestrained; gushy(excessively expressing feeling of gratitude
* Kobe Bryant was very effusive after winning player of the year.
56. Egregious(uh GREE jus) – conspicuously bad or offensive
* His egregious error toward his class made everybody hate him.
57. Flagrant(FLAY grunt) – extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
* After the player was harshly fouled the referee called an flagrant foul on the fouler.
58. Frenetic(freh NEH tik) – wildly excited or active
* The party was extremely frenetic; Everybody was always dancing.
59. Gratuitous(gruh TOO ih tus) – given freely; unearned; uncalled for
* After everybody had stop screaming, he gave a gratuitous outburst toward the teacher. The outburst was uncalled for and not need it.
60. Superfluous( soo PER floo us) – extra; unnecessary
* By adding more hair gel after putting on a whole jar of hair gel is very superfluous act.
61. Alleviate(uh LEEV ee ayt) – to ease a pain or burden
* After banging his knee into the wall, he took medicine to alleviate the pain.
62. Asylum(uh SY lum) – a place of retreat or security
* The United states granted asylum to all Jews after the holocaust.
63. Auspicious(aw SPISH us) – favorable; promising
* The election was very auspicious for Obama, after he won a lot of the electoral votes.
64. Benevolent(buh NEH vuh lunt)- well-meaning; generous
* Obama is said to be a very benevolent president who is concern for the people of America.
65. Benign(buh NINE) – kind and gentle
* He has always been a benign person who is willing to stop what he is doing to help others.
66. Mollify(MAHL uh fy) – to calm or soothe
* After the baby fell, the mother bought him ice cream to mollify him.
67. Reclamation(rek luh MAY shun) – the act of making something useful again
* Recycling paper is an example of reclamation, because we reuse it to make new paper.
68.Sanction(SANK shun) – to give official authorization or approval
*Susan sanction my essay topic, after she examine my points very closely.
69. Dubious(DOO bee us) – doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
*Juan's statement that he could dunk seemed very dubious, since he was only five foot five inches.
70. Fabricated(FAB ruh kay tid) – made; to make something out of many things to make a person believe something that is not true
* The designer fabricated the queen's dress for the ball Friday night.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The blog

Hi everybody, welcome to my vocabulary blog spot. Hopefully my post will help everybody with their vocabulary for the AP exam. Good Luck!